Check out the speakers that are already confirmed!

Dra. Beate Rau
Specialist in surgical oncology,
cytoreductive surgery (CRS) for peritoneal surface
malignant neoplasms (PSM) and HIPEC.
Member of PSOGI. 
Dr. Ignace De Hingh
Surgical Oncologist at the Catharina Cancer Institute in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Founding member and secretary of the Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Group, member of the executive board of PSOGI. 
Dr. Oliver Glehen
Director of CICLY, Executive Committee of PSOGI, Executive Committee of ISSPP, Coordinator of RENAPE and President of BIGENAPE. 
Dr. Paul Sugarbaker
PSOGI Secretary General and Director of the Center for Gastrointestinal Malignancies at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. 
Dr. Victor J. Verwaal
Master in oncology surgery, he specializes in colorectal surgery, HIPEC and advanced cancer of the pelvis and rectus abdominis. 
Dr. Francisco Manuel Perrota Martinez
Doutor em Medicina e Cirurgia Universidade Nacional de Assunção 1979, Colega Istitute Gustave Roussy-Paris, Francia, Setiembre 2018 Dr. Diane Goere, Departamento Cirugía Visceral
Chefe da Unidade de Oncologia Cirúrgica – I Presidente da Clínica Cirúrgica – Hospital de Clínicas-Faculdade de Medicina. 
Carlos Andrés Machuca Carpio
Oncology surgeon, Hospital del rio, cuenda Ecuador, Active Member of American Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO), Active Member of European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), Activie Member of Mexican Society of Surgical Oncology (SOQM), Surgery Postgrade Coordinator at Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Uide

Marcello Deraco M.D.
Surgical Oncologist, Director of the Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan-Italy, Co-Director of ESPSO European School for Peritoneal Surface Oncology

Cesar Nevarez Graber
Oncologist surgeon at alcivar guayaquil hospital, Ecuador
Multidisciplinary cancer management coordinator
Active member smeo mexico, sso, esgo, esmo
Management of carcinomatosis hipec Ecuador Management of advanced gynecological cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer
Hipec Ecuador, our experience 
Dr. Artur Reis
São José dos Campos/SP
Specialist in Oncology of the Peritoneal Surface by the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), Head of the Department of General and Oncology Surgery at the Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São José dos Campos-SP, Member of the Education and Training Committee in Peritoneal Surface Oncology from the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO).

Dr. Tarcísio Reis
Master and PhD in Surgery from UFPE, Oncology Surgeon at Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz – Recife (HUOC-UPE), Supervisor of the group of peritoneal diseases at HUOC-UPE, Intensivist AMIB.

Dr. Felipe Augusto Lopes
Residency in oncological surgery at A.C. Camargo Cancer Center, Head of the Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery (SBCO), Preceptor of the oncology surgery residency at the Hospital do Câncer de Pernambuco.

Dr. André Maciel da Silva
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Head of the General Surgery Service of the Hospital Federal do Andaraí – RJ, Oncological Surgeon at INCA, Director of the Oncological Surgery Section of the Central Nucleus of the CBC.

Dr. Eduardo Akaishi
São Paulo/SP
Teacher at FMUSP, Oncology surgeon at the Sírio-Libanês, Beneficência Portuguesa and Vila Nova Star hospitals.

Carlos Augusto M. Marins
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
President of the Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery – Rio de Janeiro Regional (SBCO-RJ), Head of the Surgery Service of the Hospital Federal do Servidores do Estado (HFSE-RJ), Oncological Surgeon at INCA.

Dr. Rafael Vargas
Porto Alegre/RS
Coordinator of the Clinical Oncology Service at Santa Casa de Porto Alegre, Clinical Oncologist, Doctor in Epidemiology (UFRGS), Supervisor of the Clinical Oncology Residency Program – UFCSPA/Santa Casa.

Dr. Andrea Petruzziello
Full member of the Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery.
Member of the European and French Society of Oncological Surgery.
Postgraduate in Hepatobiliary Surgery at Université Paris-Sud – Hôpital Paul Brousse – France.
Postgraduate in Peritoneal Oncology from Université Lyon-1 and Université Paris Diderot – France.
Coordinator of the Peritoneal Surgery and HIPEC Program at Hospital Marcelinho Champagnat, Curitiba-PR. 
Dr. Ademar Lopes
Oncologist Surgeon, full professor of Oncology at UMC Free professor at FMUSP, institutional vice president of A.C. Camargo Cancer Center, Fellow of the American Society of Surgical Oncology.

Dr. Eduardo Zanella
Full member of the Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery, Head of the Oncological Surgery Service at CEPON – Florianópolis; Oncology Surgeon at the University Hospital of UFSC.

Dr. Fabio Lopes
Coordinator of the Coloproctology Service at Hospital Felicio Rocho – BH – MG, Titular Member of the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology. Specialist in Oncological Surgery. Master in Colorectal Cancer Genetics. ICB – UFMG, Doctor in Surgery – FM – UFMG.

Dr. Victória Marzagão
Nutritionist, Specialist in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Master's student in Clinical Surgery at the Federal University of Paraná. Member of the medical and scientific affairs department of Nestlé Health Science

Felipe Luzzato – RS
Coordinator of the Pathology Service of the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre Master in Pathology from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), Fellow of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan.

Bruno Sarmento – DF
Oncology Surgeon at Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal,
Member of the SBCO Committee on Peritoneal Neoplasms,
Member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons-CBC. 
Dr. Antonio Dal Pizzol Jr.
Clinical oncologist, preceptor of the oncology residency program at ISCMPA/UFCSPA, researcher at the Santa Casa multidisciplinary research center and deputy director at Santa Rita hospital.

Jorge Meinhardt.

Dr. Gabriel Santos
Pathologist, responsible for the work group on gastrointestinal pathologies at AC Camargo, dedicated to the care part and assistance to institutional research.

Lívia Gravina – RS
Clinical Oncologist - Bruno Born Hospital and Donum Clinic Member of SBOC, ASCO and ESMO Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied to Health Postgraduate in Heredity and Cancer Predisposition Professor of Clinical Oncology at UNIVATES Medicine Course

Raul Anselmi
Oncology and digestive system surgeon doctor of science Preceptor of the Medical Residency in Digestive Surgery at Hospital Nossa Sra. of Graces of Curitiba/PR
Última atualização em 15/08/2022, 09:20