For abstract submission it is necessary to comply with the following rules:


1) To submit papers, the author responsible for submitting the abstract must be registered for the event.

2) The registration must be made in the “multiprofessional” category and will have the value of R$ 850.00 (eight hundred and fifty reais).

3) After confirming the payment and completing the registration, you will receive a username and password to access the restricted area and submit your abstract.

4) Follow the instructions on the screen to access the abstract submission form and fill in all the fields of the online form.

5) Before submitting the abstract, review it carefully.

6) You can later change your summary by clicking on the “SAVE” button. The summary will be available within your sandbox for future corrections and edits. By clicking the “SAVE AND SUBMIT” button, you will not be able to make any further changes to your abstract, as it will be sent for review.

7) The author responsible for the submission must fill in all the fields in the online form. All communications regarding the scientific work will be sent only to this author by the registered email and he/she should be responsible for forwarding it to the co-authors.

8) After submitting the abstract, an automatic email will be sent to the person responsible for the work (who submitted it), confirming the information registered. Check that all are correct. If they are not, you should contact the event organizers

9) If you do not receive the automatic email on the same day confirming the submission, the abstract may not have been sent correctly. In this case, please contact us at” informing the event and the problem that occurred.

10) For new access to the subscriber's restricted area, simply inform e-mail and password. If you have forgotten, use the option “forgot my password”.


I - Themes

  • CCR and HIPEC in Pseudomyxoma Peritoneal
  • CCR and HIPEC in Peritoneal Mesothelioma
  • CCR and HIPEC in Ovary
  • CCR and HIPEC in Stomach
  • CCR and HIPEC in Colon
  • CCR and HIPEC in Rare Tumors
  • Nutrition in CCR and HIPEC
  • Experimental Models in CCR and HIPEC

II - Important information

  • The abstract can be sent in Portuguese and English.  
  • The deadline for submission of abstracts is: 09/12/2022. 12/09/2022.
  • Up to 03 works will be accepted per applicant. Those who have already reached this number can only be listed in other works as co-authors;
  • Up to 10 authors may be included for each abstract. Enter the authors in the desired order.

IMPORTANT: The presenter must also be included in the list of authors and be registered for the event as well.

  • The presentation must be made by the person indicated when submitting the work. If this is not possible, another author of the work must make the presentation, as long as he is registered for the event and has paid the registration fee.
  • Abstracts will be sent exclusively through the official website of the Congress.  
  • Attention: all materials produced on the abstracts (annals, certificate, among others) will be a faithful reproduction of the information submitted by the author. Therefore, it is not possible to make changes to the spelling of the title, abstract or authors after submission of the works. We emphasize that the information provided is the sole responsibility of the author who submits the abstract. Names spelled incompletely (by abbreviation or omission of one or more surnames) will not be changed and will appear in the official program and digital certificate as informed by the main author at the time of registration.

 III - Instructions for preparing abstracts

  • Submitted works must have original content and cannot have been presented at other events and/or congresses.
  • The Title must be concise and reflect the study to be presented.
  • Abstract text must not exceed 2,500 characters (does not include title and authorship/affiliation)

with spaces, 250 character limit for the title.

  • Job Type: 

Two types will be available to choose the one that best represents the work:

  • Scientific article  
  • Case report  

*The Case Reports will be presented exclusively in the form of posters..

  • Presentation form:
  • Oral presentation 
  • Electronic Poster

*The presentation format, oral or poster, will be defined based on the arithmetic average of the grades received, with only studies with the highest final average being intended for oral presentation. 


  • The main author may choose the preferred way of presenting the work. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to change this choice.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to refuse an abstract, without informing the reasons for the refusal. The final decision of the evaluation committee is considered supreme, irrevocable and unappealable, which will not be reviewed. Works that are not accepted for oral presentation can be presented via poster and the authors will be informed of this decision.
  • When submitting the work, the authors assume compliance with the laws and ethical standards that govern research with human beings and animals, including approval by the Research Ethics and Clinical Ethics Committees in Animal Research.
  • The Organizing Committee of the Congress will not be responsible for the costs of registration, transport, accommodation or other costs generated for the presentation of works in any modality.
  • The result of the work will be published in the author's restricted area on 10/21/2022.
  • The submission of the abstract represents a commitment by the author(s) to present the work, if accepted, during the event.

Considering that case reports make an important contribution to the exchange of experience among professionals, the Commission recommends that only reports of common cases with an atypical evolution or of really rare cases, which are of important relevance, be sent.

  • The Institution or Institutions where the work was carried out, as well as the names of the authors, must NOT be mentioned in the body of the text.
  • The abstract content must be related to the chosen topic.
  • The use of graphs or tables in the submission of abstracts will not be allowed, although such resources can be used in the formatting of the presentations;
  • Keywords: Describe up to 03 keywords that define your work.
  • Bibliographic references should not be included in the electronic submission. It is suggested that authors refrain from using abbreviations.
  • Results based on assertions such as: “results will be presented” and or “data will be analyzed” will not be considered. These should be stated as clearly as possible and conclusions should be based on the data presented. In this case, the authors must present preliminary results, or if it is an ongoing study, for example. Likewise, abstracts whose results, from the same work, are dispersed in different abstracts will not be accepted.
  • Case reports without clear originality and relevance that justify their presentation will not be accepted. Papers that contain only a literature review will also be rejected.
  • Trade names are not allowed, only generic drug names, written in lowercase letters.